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Malum In Se: Evil in itself

Evelyn never believed in the existence of evil which was a naïve way of thinking considering the evil things that went on around her since she was born. By the time she clocked five she had already been kidnapped by a maniac house help who saw the image of her late child in her, poisoned by one of her father’s mistresses and finally losing her mother to depression and frustration caused by her father’s infidelity. At sixteen, Evelyn already blossomed into a beautiful young girl that was the envy of all friends and most people who saw her. Girls wanted to be her, guys wanted to date her and people that didn’t like her just didn’t.

Ironically, for someone who didn’t believe in evil Evelyn was very a terrible young girl who didn’t have the slightest regard for anyone, not even her father. The only person she respected and loved genuinely was her paternal grandfather who passed away a couple of months ago. Coupled with her terrible behaviour and the loss of the only person who loved her and she loved in return, she became a nasty piece of work, at least to the people around her who she frightened with her behaviour and uncouth mouth. 

To say she frightened people was a bit of an understatement, she traumatized people who were on her good grace, talk less of people she disliked.
When she was fourteen a new girl named Mercy came to school, and Evelyn took a liking to 
her immediately. Her classmates were upset and annoyed at the new girl because she didn’t try half as much as they did to befriend Evelyn. She never did. Only for her to swoop in in her pink head to toe attire and snatch Evelyn, and they even became best friends. Mercy was “oblivious” to things going on around her and pretended to be terrified of the people in her class and school. She had become Public Enemy Number One which earned the nickname (PENO) but Evelyn didn’t mind, she already found someone worthy of her attention. She and Mercy were always together except at night when they were at their homes. Evelyn already found that one person she could tell her secrets without worrying that she would sound like a softy. She trusted Mercy with everything she had. She was sixteen now, and her friendship with Mercy was very good and people were still jealous, and she didn’t give a DAMN!

Mercy’s sister Sarah was going to be eighteen and she wanted to throw herself a small exclusive birthday party in her house that would only consist of her classmates who were seniors. Sarah was the most popular girl in school apart from Evelyn, and that was because she was a senior and a very extremely lovely person. Evelyn was probably the only junior that was going to the party courtesy of her ties with Mercy, but the whole junior school just saw Evelyn as being so cool that’s why she got invited to Sarah’s party. Evelyn and Sarah didn’t like one another, rather, Evelyn didn’t like Sarah and everyone in school including Mercy knew about it, and Evelyn didn’t bother herself to explain to anyone the reason why. So imagine the shock on Sarah’s face when she saw Evelyn actually turn up on her birthday. There was a huge tension at the party that everybody ignored. The party took place in Sarah’s living room and extended to the pool outside.  

Four hours into the party, Evelyn was in the kitchen getting ice from the fridge  when she heard "you really couldn’t resist?", she turned back to see Sarah throwing daggers at her with her eyes and realized the statement was directed at her. "Huh what are you talking about" Evelyn replied coldly Sarah was red in anger and replied, "you want to play dumb with me? Mercy told me everything!" At this point, Sarah was already screaming. "I don’t know what you are talking about and where is Mercy?" Evelyn still replied coldly. "You cold bitch what did I ever do to you that makes you hate me this much and want to destroy my future and life?! what?!" Evelyn was confused and walked away looking for Mercy. 

She went to Mercy’s room and didn’t find her she kept walking down the hall. Mercy’s house was huge consisting of 18 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms, a private screening room that was the size of an actual cinema. Evelyn always wondered what the screening room was for considering no one in the house watched movies or were slightly interested in it. She passed the screening room and still no sign of Mercy. She got to the end of the hall and saw a staircase leading to a basement of some sort. Evelyn thought to herself, "how come have never seen this place before?" She saw the door slightly opened and pushed it open…

Everything was disoriented; there was a sharp pain at the back of her head and flashlights in her face hearing words that didn’t make sense, "re..st?" "moveeeeeeeeeee", "huh??" She tried slurringly to ask what was going on. Finally she gained back a semblance of consciousness and saw blood everywhere, she was soaked in blood from head to toe, only to hear what they were saying. "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF SARAH AND MERCY CLANCY".
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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