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This is just Nasty

Sometimes, we wonder what runs through the head of our Police officers to make them behave like animals. Is it the wife at home? Or the children? Boss? There are numbers of factors that can contribute to the rough ways these officers behave.
Well this is a damning sight of their living quarters in Eleyele which is also the Police Headquarters. If I was living here also I'd be freaking wild too.

Here are some pictures

I think I understand them better now....LOL...na.. I still don't like cops they are cruel. It is about the power the gun wields not their houses. 
This though, is digusting!!

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

1 comment:

  1. They ar fu*ckin dirty........ they ar good in runing after yahoo boys......



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