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STAND #WithMalala AND ALSO JOIN #EatDailyReadDaily Online Campaign


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Have you heard of the trending #EatDailyReadDailyOnlineCampaign going on,
Victors D.O. (The Inspirator) urges all to stand with malala to empower girls through quality education to achieve their potential and inspire positive change in their communities. He also enjoins all to be a part of his online campaign to promote reading culture and also to sensitise people to make reading a daily habit.

According to Victor D.O. "Reading culture is declining in Africa especially among the younger generation and it is a very serious issue. Many people have been given access to education but if they don't read their books, they are only wasting their time going to school. let's encourage them to make reading a daily habit", He added "Social media is a good way to spread information and that is where

most youths spend more of their time. that's the reason why I launched

the #EatDailyReadDaily campaign on social media"

You can follow Victor D.O. (The Inspirator) on twitter @iamvictordo
for comments and questions


INSTRUCTION:- pick any of the following or all of the following
-Tweet a reason or reasons why people should read
-Recomend a book to read by tweeting the title of the book, the name
of the author and the picture of the book
-Tweet a picture of you holding a paper or cardboard with
#EatDailyReadDaily written on it
-Tweet a link about reading or anything you feel will add value to the campaign
-Tweet quotes about reading

--Don't forget to use the hashtag #EatDailyReadDaily after each tweet

Visit www.malala.org to stand #withMalala
Follow on twitter @malalafund
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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