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Malum-in-se: Episode 2

"Huh" she was confused, arrest? Like a sharp knife to the heart it struck her, wait, what dead? Mercy's dead? Sarah? Anyone could barely hear her it was as if she was screaming silently. The last thing she remembered was barely in her memory the basement was were she remembered herself going to then it all came rushing back like a horrible nightmare, she heard voices in the basement a very familiar voice that she was certain she knew who it was she proceeded carefully so has not to be heard the last thing she heard was BOO!!!! she screamed then blackout. She obviously had been hit, now Mercy is dead and Sarah as if it was dawning on her that what she was remembering wasn't necessary at that point her best friend had just died, she was telling herself she wouldn't cry. 
As the Police Officers escorted her from the strange basement she passed the sitting room she could see the looks the other students were giving her with flashlights from their phones going off on her face. She could hear their whispers echo loudly enough to deafen her. She was screwed totally her reputation as a cold hearted sociopath was going to work against her but she wasn't about to let that scare her.

I am not blind I can see what is going on around me. Contrary to what people think they know or believed about my friendship with Evelyn, I really hated Evelyn she was a stuck up mean bitch who thought she was untouchable . My father is a big time Lawyer in Portland, he was a senior partner at one of the top law firms in Portland, Shade, Shield&Murray till about 10yrs ago when he decide to open his own law firm with his best friend Mr Dunst, Clancy&Dunst, My father owned the controlling shares since it was his idea and he was ready to start out without any form of partnership. My Mother is a Diplomat who is also a pathetic, shamless whore and drunk. I often wondered how she actually functioned or related with people since her permanent stench was a mixture of bourbon, vodka or whatever mix she throws in depending on how low she was feeling. Sarah and Richard got to stay with Dad while I with Mum. My Parents aren't divorced or anything but, they have an arrangement that I do not understand. My father is a damn good attorney he is a very sweet and charming Man but in the court room he is terrifying and whichever lawyer that is put up against him was well toast.
Richard is my brother, a 22 yr old man staying in Springfield over an hour away. I wasn't really close to Richard because, I was globe trotting with my mother not like I had something to say about it, so we didn't talk at all. Infact he could die and I'd care less. I finally was able to convince my mother to let me stay in Portland this year so I could at least get to know Sarah before she jetted off to University.
I hated Evelyn for no reason, I guess because she was grounded in Portland and had parents who loved her even though her mother died cause her father just couldn't keep it in his pants. I mean everyone has their demons and that was her father's but that man loved her with his whole existence and she didn't appreciate. Maybe i'm just annoyed comparing it to my parents passionless relationship. I mean I could be dead in my room for days and neither would know at least my mum will know at a point because we will be bound to travel but my dad, he will never ever know. At least I have died now in a very tragic and gory manner I guess I have his attention

My family is shit I know it, my family knows, my school knows hell the freaking city knows. We are very wealthy if you committed murder my father is that lawyer you want. So just imagine how many criminals and crime lords who have employed him. So we are sickly rich.
I love my father a lot and he loves me in return. I have been in love with my father since I was 13 and we have consumated this relationship over and over. My mother is hardly here to perform her wifely duties. I cook for him, employ the staff, and pay the bills with the money my father gives me so it isn't so wrong to do the only thing that will make my role as the "wife" complete. Mercy is a very bitter soul who is bestfriends with a very nasty girl with an extra bitter soul. I could care less what kind of person Evelyn was if she didn't own my Soul and did what she wanted with it. Everyone has a price not Evelyn that bitch was fearless who got her high off other people's fear and never got scared. I am a senior while that bitch is a junior but she takes pride in daring me, pushing me just to see my reaction. I have managed to craft myself as this perfect, friendly, smart girl who is the most popular girl in school well, I was the most popular girl in school because I'm dead now anyways. 

There is a Bald man infront of me smelling of garlic and sweat and the other is a woman who is looking at me as if staring at me would make me transparent all of a sudden and make her see beyond my poker face. the bald man slams the table as if to jerk me from my comatose state. I look at them both and spell out the letters L A W Y E R. Truth be told I was freaking scared, this wasn't one of my jokes this was really real, I mean someone died two people infact, I passed out and woke up with blood over me. I was the most viable suspect and the only one too. There was only one person in portland who could prove I was innocent. I am going to make my call now, the detectives were frustrated by how I could care less I can't go to jail for murder. I wanna call my father. Immediately I got the phone and I dialed my dad, I was certain he knew, immediately he heard my voice I could hear his heart break I tried not to cry but I just couldn't try enough. I cried "dad I didn't do it" sniffs "uh uh I I was look..ing for mercy" "dad help". Cup cake what do you want" dad asked I replid calmy "I need a lawyer a very good one, my dad replied ok I'll call my lawyers now give me just fi... I cut him off "no, I know who I want" ok? he replied I took a deep breath I want MR FRANK CLANCY  AS MY LAWYER, I WANT SARAH AND MERCY'S FATHER.
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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