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Current Face of Culture and all you need to know about her and her situation

News has been on the air that this custom officer with the name  Idris Nasir released  the nude pictures of his ex girlfriend days after they broke up with Susan the current face of  culture Nigeria and we came across some thing you guys will love to know about the the ex lovebirds.

According to the beauty queen who told us a lot about she and her ex lover and some plans that they have together before the break up...... 
Read below what she had to say
The beauty queen who told us that they were dating and though they were going to get marry as seen in the picture below.
She continued by saying that she was so free with him to the extend of taking nude pictures and videos on his phone and now that we have broken up his then using that to blackmail me.
Queen Susan who went so far by saying that she really don't care about him again not like before she was so free with him.

But as a beauty Queen,a role model someone most model and people look up too I really want to advice people to be really careful and never trust any one  and always keep there life and body private no matter what. As for me Everything happens for a reason and one thing which is for sure is that when u start making it
people will always try to bring u down. Your strength and the life u leave will determine if day can actually bring you down.

Queen Susan stressed further that she is not angry with him because she  no someone out there in life will create a bigger nemesis for him which he will forever be stuck in it.
it is indeed a big shame for a highly respected custom officer to go on social media to blackmail his ex lover who he was planning to marry........
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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