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Over 3,100 women in Columbia have been infected with Zika Virus

The new virus which is predominantly found in the America has been reported to have effected over 3100 Columbian women. According to USA today, more than 3,100 pregnant women in Colombia are infected with Zika, but the country reports no cases yet of the rare birth defect microcephaly, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said Saturday.
He confirmed more than 25,000 people were infected with the virus overall in the country, the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo reported. "We are projected to reach 600,000 cases before the epidemic reaches its ceiling," he added.
The World Health Organization earlier this week, declared a global health emergency after Brazilian authorities linked Zika to microcephaly. The virus is currently spreading in at least 29 countries, mainly in Latin American and the Caribbean.
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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