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Gilmore Girls is BACK!!!!

For TV Enthusiast like myself, we understand how painful it is when good TV is cancelled or ends. When Gilmore girls ended we were sad and we wept, we wondered what could replace the feeling Gilmore girls brought to our lives then we moved.
Now that we had successfully and completely moved on from this beautiful series Netflix did something amazing, they revived the series.
Lauren Graham who played Lorelai one of the major character on her twitter page said "I CAN NOW CONFIRM: It's time for me, and this jacket I stole in 2007, to return to work."
We have sure missed Sarcastic Lorelai and Good girl Rory (the character was played by Alexis Bledel) we can't wait to watch.

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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