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How to dodge Bullets!!!!! When you are the direct target

1) Assess the situation. If someone is trying to shoot you specifically, you will first want to evaluate the situation. If you are being mugged, comply with everything the person is asking, following many of the instructions in the first section. If you are in a fight, your options are more limited.

2) Escape if you can. If you are being pursued, do what you can to get away. If you have been
caught but see an opportunity to escape or distract the attacker, do that but only if your chances of getting away are fairly good. Turning your back on an attacker makes you easier to hit. As you escape, run in a random zig-zag pattern (this will make you harder to hit). If you can, create visual distractions for
the attacker, such as spraying a fire extinguisher

3) Take cover if you can. You may not be able to buy yourself enough time to get away
completely, but getting yourself to cover can at least be helpful. Also, if you see that they are about to shoot, dive for cover if you can.

4) Try to find a weapon or distraction. During your confrontation, look for an object that can be used as a weapon. Heavy objects, especially ones
with sharp corners, make good weapons, but if you have access to something a bit more potent, that is best.

5) Talk to the shooter. If you have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide and no other options, your best bet will be to talk to the shooter. Do not beg for your life or try to get him to feel sorry for you. Instead, sympathize with him and try to ask him what he wants. Offer to help him and ask him why he's doing what he's doing. This could buy you time until help arrives.
6) Get out of the way if they appear to be preparing to shoot. If they appear to want to shoot anyway, the best you can do is try to get out of the way. Moving at least increases the chances that you will be hit in a less important area, since it is very difficult to shoot accurately while moving.
Source: wikihow.com
So I dunno how this will be easy to practice in reality.. Oyinbo people sha!!!!
All I think is to make sure you are not in a situation where shooting can be involved...

Drop comment if you think this can be practicalized
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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