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Three types of music listeners

Three different type of music listeners
The first is the casual listener who doesn’t pay much attention to the music whatsoever. This listener often doesn’t know the name of the artists or the songs that they listen to. They don’t own much in the way of music. They might not even have an MP3 player. However, they do listen to the radio and rarely switch stations.

The second type of listener likes the sound of the music and doesn’t really focus on the lyrics as much. If it has a good beat, they are into it. If it has a catchy chorus, it doesn’t really matter what the song is about, they like it.

The third type of listener really listens to and analyzes lyrics. This listener cares about the whole package. It isn’t just about the lyrics. The song needs to have a good beat too and the delivery needs to be on point. This listener is often critical of everything they hear.

So what type of listener are you?


Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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