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Then there came a Solution

Leke, was the most popular boy in his secondary school; every boy wanted to be him, and girls date him. He was the school's star athlete his zeal for sport, especially basketball was so intense that his teachers, parents and fellow students knew he was going to be a Pro-Basketballer.
But after Secondary School, Leke went to University to Study Engineering and came out top of his class. Engineering wasn't his dream, playing basketball was but he couldn't find the proper representation he needed and just like polished nails dipped in ICE his basketball dream dried up..
If you are an athlete looking for proper representation then look no further J-MEL SPORT AGENCY is just what you're looking for. It is a privately owned agency organisation, with the purpose of representing sportsmen and women within and outside Nigeria, creating and negotiating the best possible opportunities on their behalf, and providing for a long and healthy career for the players and their respective/prospective teams. The firm handles all representation functions, ascertaining that represented players are treated fairly by teams in question, and realising probable endorsements for them, exposing them to the sporting market and fans in total...

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Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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