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How to spot a Gossiper

When you first encounter a gossiper they will seem nice and welcoming maybe even a little too nice. You will soon become aware of the fact that other co- workers avoid them it may even appear that others are being mean to this person but they have just learned the hard way to keep their distance. If you don’t learn by observation you may be next target.


• They have low self esteem they constantly complain about something or someone

• They always have something to gossip about and gain favor by being ‘in the know’

• They will point out how they were better or “right” in the situation

• They are high maintenance employees

• They triangulate to gain support

• They are angry and resentful of others success

A gossiper who is not confronted and stopped will just become more confident The rumors will become more subtle, more dangerous and frequent. The targets of gossip are usually more successful and more competent than gossipers; they are respected and seen as leaders within an organization.

A gossiper has a talent for seeking out disgruntled workers, and they manipulate them into their conspiracy theory

So you have to be careful with your so-called friends cause not every one of them likes you in case you have any friend that possesses such characteristics then, you should be afraid.

Source: www.masterfulmindset.com

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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