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Dangerous women!!!!!

While a lot of men kill out of sexual frustration, and the need to feel power over their victims, female killers are a lot more pragmatic in their motives, and methods. Female serial killers are outnumbered by males (15% to 85%), and they often use more covert methods like poisoning, or smothering. As a result, their killing sprees often go on for years longer (an average of 8 years, compared to 2 years for their male counterparts).
Don't underestimate a dangerous woman. And don't judge by appearances; evil can be pleasant and pretty on the outside. Just like poisoned candy.
Here are the top six female killers in history

1) Aileen Wuornos
Between 1989-90, prostitute-turned-killer Aileen Wuornos murdered seven johns who had the misfortune of looking for a little extra-marital action. A minor traffic accident in one her victim's cars led to her arrest and eventual 2002 execution.

Age: Died at 46 (1956-2002)
Birthplace: Rochester, Michigan, United
States of America
Cause Of Death: Lethal injection, Capital
Place Of Death: Florida State Prison, Florida,
United States of America

2) Myra Hindley
Known as "The Moors Murderer" and "The Most Evil Woman in Britain", Myra Hindley and her lover, Ian Brady, plotted and carried out the rape and deaths of five young children 1963-65 in England. They were turned in to the police by Hindley's brother-in-law who had witnessed Brady killing a boy with an axe. Hindley died in prison in 2002 at age 60.

Age: Died at 60 (1942-2002)
Birthplace: Crumpsall, United Kingdom
Cause Of Death: Myocardial infarction

3 Jane Toppan
Jane Toppan, a nurse with a private practice, racked up dozens of victims between 1885 and her capture near the turn of the century. While in police custody in 1901, she admitted to being aroused by the
process of killing and was eventually found  to be insane and not guilty of her crimes.

Age: Died at 81 (1857-1938)
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts, United
States of America
Profession: Nurse
Place Of Death: Taunton, Massachusetts,
United States of America

4) Nannie Doss
Nannie Doss was a black widow who went through five husbands before being caught and charged with a slew of murders including those of her five husbands, a mother-in-law, her sisters, two of their children, and her own mother. She was never put to death (because she was a woman) and died in prison at age 59 in 1965.

Age: Died at 60 (1905-1965)
Birthplace: Blue Mountain, Alabama, United
States of America
Cause Of Death: Leukemia
Place Of Death: McAlester, Oklahoma,
United States of America

5) Amy Archer- Gilligan
In order to gain access to life insurance money, the nursing home proprietor murdered at least five people by poisoning them. This included her second husband, Michael Gilligan. As for the others, they were lived in her nursing home. She may have killed more people, but that is still unconfirmed. For her crimes,Archer- Gilligan was sentenced to death, but ended up in a mental asylum instead.

Age: Died at 94 (1868-1962)
Birthplace: Connecticut, United States of
Place Of Death: Middletown, Connecticut,
United States of America

6)Rosemary West
West, along with her husband, was convicted of murdering 10 young women in 1995. Most of the crimes occurred between April 1973 and August 1979.

Age: age 62
Birthplace: Barnstaple, United Kingdom
Children: Heather Ann West, Mae West,
Stephen West
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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