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Except you picked short life from your creator when coming to this world, there are ways to keep you alive longer than dying unexpectedly. Follow these steps and also pray along and you just might escape this world at an old age. :D

1) Never ever ever play with a bomb: Unless you have a death wish, or you seek the death of many playing with a bomb is a very very bad idea. Ask people who did it (lol they are dead so you can't).

2) Do not ever ever taste Poison: whether expired or not. I took a Forensics course in school and the lecturer explained how poison itself was (I can't seem to remember) but my pint is don't taste poison whether expired or na.

3) No matter what is happening DO NOT hug a transformer

4) Do NOT break woman's heart.......LOL!!

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Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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