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Nigeria Police Force: Menace or Aid

Every individual, no matter who, is a product of family. If you see a rotten individual with low or no morals then you should be able to trace the problem to his upbringing.

No man was dumped on Earth he was born and taught before he became a man on his own. Which begs the question; are all the police officers in this country born the same way? Lacking proper home training that turns them into problems rather than help to the society.

Blasting sirens in traffic without cause, always in a hurry, never ready for combat, fat, lazy, wicked and, ironically, thieves.
I was on a bike recently when I saw a police man stop another biker and dipped his hands in the man's pocket searching for money. My biker explained to me that they were going to collect everything the man had made the whole day. I could hear the pain in his voice; he had been a victim. So what are we talking about, employing individuals with little IQ or no educational qualification. Its like entrusting a thief to catch a thief.

A while back while my mom, my sister and I were coming from a journey, we were stopped at a "checkpoint". After asking us all manners of questions and realizing we had our papers, the officer had a genius idea to check the boot. Alas! He saw a fire extinguisher, then the Albert Einstein asked for the receipt of the Extinguisher - I Died of Laughter, I was laughing in his face. My point being they don't need to search to a point of nuisance before "fishing" out a criminal.

It is their behaviour, stance and movement that will make a criminal easy to catch. They need to detect and gather Intel but oh well, you've got to be intelligent to gather intelligence.

Olorun a Ku Ku gba wa lowo a won eniyan rada rada.

Well till there's something we can do about it we are stuck with this Menace.
Modesinuola Ogundiwin

Modesinuola Ogundiwin

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